TCM Devotion: Worth the Wait

Verse: Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

It has been estimated that we spend about 2.5 years of our lives waiting. It’s a part of our lives and there isn’t much that we can do about it. We do however have control over what we choose to wait for and our attitude during those times of waiting.

We can show patience to others not because we have to but because we have the opportunity to encourage and build one another up through those times. When we are patience with one another, we are showing unity amongst the body of Christ. We let others know that we know that God is in control and in His timing we will see the fruits of our labour.

Waiting in line for the latest cell phone, taking the time to show your “technologically challenged” parents how to use e-mail, teaching a child with a learning disability, sharing the Gospel with your friend for the past 10 years. Which of these is worth waiting for with a loving heart?