A New (School) Year!

By: Dorothy Wong, Manager of Partner Relations

This past summer was full of excitement. We met new kids and continued to grow with those that have been with us for a while. However, it was great to see the grade 8 girls (formerly in grade 7) in the Junior Extreme program in St. James Town again after the summer break. Most of them are taller than me now but I'm most excited to see how they have grown in maturity and in faith. We currently only have one grade 7 girl in the program but it warms my heart to see how welcoming the grade 8 girls have been to her. I wouldn't expect anything less from them. This year, we will be focusing on topics that the teens want to discuss. The top two areas they have brought up are school and friendships, so the other leaders and I will be sharing with them words of wisdom from the Bible regarding these topics.

I'm also looking forward to building new partnerships with churches and deepening existing ones. Each time I get to meet a church or person that is interested in getting involved with TCM, my heart is filled with joy. Regardless of the outcome, I know that I have done my job to share the opportunities that God has provided through TCM to engage fellow Christians in becoming more Christ like.

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