There’s More to Learn

By: Yoon Choi, Summer Intern at Willowtree

With the blink of an eye, the first week is already over. Reflecting on the past couple of days, I’ve definitely learned far more from the kids at Willowtree than I ever imagined. At first, it was overwhelming to see how rambunctious many of the campers were. Yet within the chaos, there were many moments of laughter and joy. The children really enjoyed the bible lessons and games that we planned, and there was a growing sense of community amongst the kids and the staff. I got a small glimpse into how God is already working in the Yonge & Finch area.

There is something about the kids at Willowtree where my love for them seems to grow every day. Perhaps it’s their joyful attitude despite being at risk to negative influences in their community. Or perhaps it’s because of their life experiences, which have matured them far beyond their age. Whatever the reason may be, the children’s zest for life is truly contagious and they are an example from which all adults can learn (myself included).

The first week of camp, Willowtree had the privilege of welcoming a mission team from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was so encouraging to see how the team was ready to jump in to help the staff and connect with the children. Through these five individuals, I’ve learned the importance of partnering with other Christians – mission work is not to be done alone, rather, it is a collection of many people contributing to do the work God has given us. Moreover, Wellspring Church, the host for our day camp, continues to provide an open and safe environment for the campers. The relationship between the church and Willowtree has really been incredible to witness.

I know I’ve only scratched the surface as to what’s to come this summer, but I can’t wait to continue to build lasting friendships with the campers and the staff. My hope through all that we’re doing is that the campers will one day fully grasp the loving message of the Gospel and find ultimate satisfaction in God.

This is Yoon’s first summer interning with TCM, where she is serving at Willowtree. She is tremendously excited to create new relationships with the campers and to see how God is working powerfully through Sonshine Day Camp.