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Born in Toronto Ontario, Ron has served in various positions within the Church various para-church organizations including 10 Years Volunteer Service at The Toronto Jail.

Ron retired in 2016 after serving as Chaplain at The Salvation Army Gateway Men’s Shelter and Church planter and Pastor of The Warehouse Mission, a church for street involved individuals in Cabbagetown. Ron is the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Humanitarian Aid in 2012

Ron has a Bachelors Degree (With Distinction) from Booth University in Biblical and Theological Studies and continues his M.Div. studies at Tyndale Seminary majoring in Biblical and Theological Studies. His passion is Biblical Studies and ancient languages including Hebrew and Greek. Along with his biblical studies, Ron is currently reading portions of the Talmud, historical manuscripts and English literature.

In March 2019, Ron was appointed to serve as interim Executive Director of Toronto City Mission.

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