March Break Madness 2016!

By: Elita Fung - Outreach Worker in St. James Town

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We've had lots of fun this March Break! With our kids, we went to Kortright Centre to learn about maple syrup, we made castles for Medieval day, made costumes for Western day, but most of all, we learned about what it means to be a friend of God!

On the Friday, 30 of our teens and 8 of our leaders headed up to Ignite Camp for our annual March Break Retreat. Our leaders (and teens!) led us in a series of epic games (let's just say there were zombies, a lot of running, and a lot of laughter). We had a group of our youth leading worship and we studied what it meant to have God interrupt our lives particularly in the areas of time, relationships, and money. 

We would love to have you pray for us in the next month:

1) Pray for us as we begin planning our summer camp and as we hire interns. Pray that we would be a team united in Christ, communicating the good news

2) Pray for our team as we find ways to connect with parents, that we would find some good opportunities

3) Pray for Ignite, our TCM Spring event. Pray that many would come to hear the good work God is doing in our city