Sharing the Beth Moore Conference with RMM

By Shelby Hall, Outreach Worker / Teacher at Role Model Mom - Jane-Finch

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The Role Model Moms classroom is primarily made up of a lot of math, a lot of reading, and some yummy food to keep us recharged! However, once in a while, we have an opportunity to participate in something that goes beyond the classroom. When I heard that one of my favourite bible teachers was coming to Toronto this November, I had a dream of bringing along some of my current and past students who I knew would be so encouraged by listening to her. Beth Moore sold out the Hershey Centre (that's 5000 women!) and her Lifeway organization sponsored our program for some free tickets. It was a joy to invite the students to join me and my own church friends to the conference. Three of my students even brought along their own friends when I had some last minute cancellations! It was a time of reflection, of laughter, and of tears. Beth taught from Isaiah 55 and reminded us that God tells us "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." and that we "shall be sent out in joy and led forth in peace." For women who are in the middle of some difficult life situations, these were words that we were blessed to hear!

Some of the comments I received from the students were :

"I want my faith back. As I've gone through hard times, I've been filled with fear and doubt.. I don't know how that happened. I want to get my faith in God and my confidence back!"

"It was awesome. Thanks so much for the great opportunity. It was a magical event and my friend felt so blessed."

"Thanks for this beautiful and blessing weekend."

We will return to the books this week. The moms have their math and sciences exam on Wednesday, but it is good to be reminded that we really can accomplish anything and that God's plans for us are so much bigger than our own!