Excited for what’s To Come

by Francis Zafico (Outreach Worker – St. James Town)

This past week we started the Youth Extreme program for the new school year.  It was a fun time reconnecting with everyone after a short break during the summer and introducing the new leaders. There were many returning faces, students who are now in grade 12 and many new faces, students just beginning their high school journey.

This made me think about my life journey, and the steps I took and will take with each new chapter of my life. Just like them, I can be fearful of what’s to come, not knowing the future. I have anxieties when I enter a new chapter in life.  But what really is encouraged me was that though there is the unknown, there was an excitement in the faces of the youths. This reminded me that I need to be excited as well, as God has a plan for me. Remembering that during these times of anxiety we need to remember God has already gone before us, and will be with us along the way. I am excited for this school year and to watch God’s plan for our youth unfold. I sense that this will be a BIG year for all of us and I know God has something awesome in store!