A Radical Christmas

By: Lawrence Kim - Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

So it's been four months since I've began with Toronto City Mission and as I get used to the daily grind of our programs it's been quite easy to let this work become routine-like.

In this sense of repetitiveness it's easy to let the tiniest tinge of annoyance or bitterness engross all the good and joy of what it is we do.

Reflecting on this Christmas season, I realize that allowing these small feelings to dictate my attitude towards programs or the overall season of Christmas make it all about me. How do I feel about the kids? How do I feel about the programs we run? What am I getting out of this? These thoughts have been permeating into my feelings towards this season of Christmas.

But over and over I have been hearing through our fellow staff to think about what Christmas really means. It's not about the gifts, the food or the good times. It's about Jesus and what he has done for us. He came down to die for us, the other. Not for his own glory, not for himself, but he came down from perfect joy and comfort with the Father to be among us and ultimately to die for us. The other.

So this is what Christmas is about. It's not about me, but in following Jesus' example, it's about everyone else. Knowing this, made delivering Christmas gifts to the homes of our kids an incredible experience. Truly, it was an incredible thing to see the joy on the faces of the parents and kids. This is not what we have to do, it's what we get to do. We get to serve the this lovely, broken, hurting and wonderful community. I hope this attitude continues on as we do programs in the new year, and I hope that this is of some value to you, so consider it! Consider sacrificing a little over the holidays for the sake of another! It is so much more profitable to serve than to be served!

Thanks for reading and have a merry Christmas!

  • lawrence