Life as a TLC

By Elita Fung, Outreach Workers in St. James Town


Isaac* is a young man in our programs. He not only attends Youth Extreme (our youth drop-in), and EPIC tutoring, but he is also part of our Teens Leading Communities program (TLC) and volunteers with the kids. Isaac is unassuming and quiet, but as I slowly hear stories from the kids and his peers, I can see his servant heart. I asked Isaac a few questions about his plans:

Q. When did you start attending programs?
A. In grade 7, Junior Extreme

Q. Why did you choose to be a TLC and why did you stick with it for these past 5 years?
A. I chose to be a TLC because I wanted to experience being a leader. I stuck with it for 5 years because I grew into liking it more and it’s fun.

Q. How has your experience as a TLC shaped your decisions for college?
A. My experience as a TLC shaped my decisions for college because I love working with kids and [at first] I didn’t picture myself working with kids in the future…[Since] being a TLC I want to do ECE (Early Childhood Education) and to continue working with children.

Q. How else has the TLC program been a blessing to you?
A. The TLC program has been a blessing to me because I get to lead and teach the kids and at the same time I am learning too. I also love the kids and they put a smile on my face no matter what.

Q. What is your dream for the future?
A. My dream is to build up a family and live a decent life and teach my kids and other kids the stuff I’ve done during my childhood.

Isaac will be starting his ECE program in September.

*name changed