Let the Children Come


By: Kristie Lam, Summer Intern at St. James Town

Jesus valued His children extremely. He blessed them and said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14) Early childhood is arguably the most important period of a person’s life. Children are at a time in their lives where they are curious about how the world works. This is when they begin to form an understanding of love and relationships. This is important to consider especially when working with children that are growing up in difficult circumstances. While they still have opportunities, they are at the highest risk. Negative influences on a child’s development can be irreversible.

Teaching children about God’s truth and love can transform their hearts and change the outcome of their lives, and of the community around them! God’s love can provide them with hope, and hope is very powerful. This hope is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to come back to Toronto City Mission. God has truly placed less fortunate children in my heart. Over 50% of St. James Town lives below the poverty line, which leads parents to work countless hours to support their families. Through my experience last year with Sonshine Day Camp, God has opened my eyes to just how important it is for children to grow up in a positive environment. Summer is an especially hard time for working parents because children are out of school with no one to look after them, and no positive activities for them to be a part of. However, Toronto City Mission provides a chance for children to participate in fun activities in the summer, while learning about the powerful, life changing truths of Jesus.

Sometimes, it may not seem like one summer can do very much, but I truly believe that God has the perfect plan and timing for everything. I believe that miracles can, and will happen! I can only hope that 10 or 15 years down the line, when something difficult is thrown at the kids, that they will remember about the truth that was shared with them at Sonshine Day Camp, and they will know that they can find hope in Jesus Christ.

This is Kristie’s second summer interning with TCM, and she is returning to St. James Town with a full force of energy! She is more excited than ever to have dance parties with the kids again!