Carmen Tan

No Mistake Will Separate Us from God

This past school year, we have been teaching and getting the kids at Kingston-Galloway to understand what forgiveness is and how to apply it to their day to day. One of God’s promises to us is, if we confess our sins, God will forgive our sins and cleanse us. 

“But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” ~1 John 1:9

This promise is an incredible promise. It is a reminder of the Gospel and a revelation of what God’s character is. But before we can understand God’s forgiveness, we need to understand what is sin and we are sinful. We are not a little bit sinful but we are just sinful. We need to understand the sin we have. From the moment of birth till now, we are ALL sinners. We have decided to choose against God with our day-to-day choices from the very beginning with Adam and Eve. Our heart has been changed to do everything opposite of God. No matter the magnitude of the sin, sin is sin. We don’t deserve the gift of eternal life.

It will be quite sad that is the end of our relationship with God. In the Gospel, we understand God offers us  second chances, He provides us mercy and grace through Jesus Christ. He gave his one and only son to sacrifice and die in our place. God’s forgiveness has no end, it is never too late as long we confess our sins to Him.

The kids at Kingston-Galloway understand they make mistakes and they sin. At times, some kids may feel like they are “too bad” to receive God’s love. And some, who just think they are not bad people. For us to ultimately experience God’s forgiveness, we need to understand all the wrong we have done to God. Has God opened your eyes to the sin you have committed and you have not confessed? 

We make mistakes, small or big. 

We will make mistakes, today or tomorrow. 

We need God to help us. 

We need God’s forgiveness to cleanse us.

God sent Jesus to clean the slate for us. 

We continue to remind the children the biggest mistake cannot even separate us from the love of God. We are reminded that is it never too late to ask forgiveness and forgive others.

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
— Romans 8:38-39

As we experience God’s forgiveness, we need to also extend this forgiveness to those who wrong us because of Christ. As much as our sin and pride tell us to punish the person. We need to ask God to give us the love and humbleness to forgive them. 

We have been teaching our kids sometimes you will meet people who are not so easy to love and forgive. But we can ask God to teach us to love them. As we continue the school year, meet new friends and friends, may God remind us we can ask God to help us forgive those who wronged us and to offer the forgiveness God has given us. 

The Joy of Following

Written by: Carmen Tan | Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

Scripture: Genesis 5:32-10:1

This semester, we have been diving into God’s word, learning about how Jesus has been present from the beginning to the end of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, everything points towards a Saviour who will come rescue God’s people. 

One of my favourite testaments is the story of Noah - a story of a new beginning. The children have learned sin entered the world, it corrupted our perfect relationship with God and we’ve been trying to find a way back with God again. God cannot tolerate evil and wickedness yet at the same time, God was deeply troubled to see all this evilness in the world. 

God chose Noah to restart the world. Noah didn’t do anything special but God found favour in Noah because of his faithfulness. 

I admire Noah very much. He was a man of God who trusted and obeyed the Lord. He was God’s faithful servant. We learned Jesus was even more faithful serving God and carrying out what God has called Him to do. 

As I reflect on my personal life, I find the times I have found the most joy is being with God. Learning to trust in the Lord, when God calls you to come, obeying and faithfully serving. Trusting we are in good hands because God is a God who cares, who takes care of all our needs, and knows best. 

To become faithful servants, we need to learn to surrender our own plans and trusting we are in good hands. 

One of God’s Most Important Words to Us

By: Carmen Tan | Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

We are so excited to be back in school year programs with our children and youth. Over the next few months for bible time, all our sites will be exploring and learning about God’s Character. 

We were inspired by the Character of God by Tim Mackie bible study plan. Exodus 34:6-7 encourages us to reflect on one of God’s most important words to us in the Old Testament. It’s God’s description of His own character that is revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai in the book of Exodus. 

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“6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” Exodus 34:6-7

As God describes Himself in Exodus 34:6-7 it doesn’t describe Him in abstract terms yet it summarizes based on His actions when He interacts with the Israelites. And as we look at it from a bigger picture, God’s character continues to be revealed throughout the Bible, in every single book. God continues to show us compassion, grace. We see how God is slow to anger, overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness. 

So far at Kingston-Galloway, we have spent some time learning about God’s compassion. God is a compassionate God. He hears the cries and suffering of His people. When the Israelites were in Egypt, God heard their cry and sent Moses to help them get out.

“So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.” Exodus 3:8

When God promises us something, He never breaks it.  In times when we feel like we are alone, we remind our kids God is always there. We need to go to Him.

God’s ultimate expression of compassion is Christ. Sin got in the way between us (sinners) and God. The only way for us to be together with God again was Jesus dying on the cross in our place. 

As we experience God’s compassion, God also reminds us to show compassion towards others. Compassion means to be deeply moved at something you see, an intense emotion that encourages you to take action. When we are in programs, we remind the kids to be compassionate and be kind to another. Right after our bible lesson about compassion, the kids found themselves in situations where they could be kind and compassionate or mean and rude. It is always easy to say but hard to take action.  

We hope that over the next few months, the children at Toronto City Mission will learn how God is not an abstract God. God is a living God, always with us, and is able to learn to identify what God’s character is like. 

Come join us to learn more about God’s character through Bible Project’s study plan.

How to be Productive during COVID

By: Carmen Tan | Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

I can’t believe it’s been over a year since we have been in lockdown and trying to figure out what is our new normal. This past year, I have been feeling bored and there are days when I forget what the weekday is. I am a person who loves staying busy and work but with the pandemic, it felt like God was trying to slow me down. I have to admit, I spent the first few months being a couch potato binging on Netflix to the point I ran out of things to watch. 

But I quickly snapped out of it because I want to make use of my time. 

The past year, I discovered some new favourites and picked up some new hobbies I didn’t think I would have had the opportunity to do. I have always enjoyed walks but now I get to enjoy walks with a cute little puppy, learning how to time my recycle and garbage days to purge stuff I need to get rid of, and realizing how much I love takeout.

I’m going to share 5 tips and tricks I have learned that kept me productive the past year. 

Tip #1: Make a Plan (Schedule your day/week)

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If I didn’t have a plan or agenda, I would have no idea what I need to do. So my agenda and calendar have been really helpful for me, I check it every morning and night to see what I need to achieve today and the next day. 

I find it helpful to write down the things/errands/projects I want to achieve in a week. Planning a week ahead allows you to have the flexibility to do it within the week versus planning a list day by day. I find it less stressful and much more manageable for me. I create a checklist and tick it off when it’s completed - it brings me a lot of satisfaction! 

Tip #2: Take Breaks 

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When you’re working from home, it’s so easy to be sitting all day and staring at a computer screen. I highly suggest taking lots of breaks, 5-minute breaks, 10-minute breaks, or 30-minute breaks to refresh yourself. 

I love Starbucks and I had the habit of buying coffee all the time. So during the pandemic, I decided I will try to be a barista at home - there were many times I failed but taking the 10-minute break to make coffee was helpful. Getting up from my chair, walking around, and being in another environment was beneficial. I finally figured out a routine and recipe that works for my tastebud! 

If it’s not making coffee, whip on a coat and put on your boots for a walk around the neighbourhood. I have been running and walking in the neighbourhood and met some friendly neighbours I never would’ve met. 

Tip #3: It’s OK to dress up! 

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At the beginning of the pandemic, I was excited to be able to work from home because I get to wear my pyjamas all day long. But I wanted to make a routine for myself, so I decided to have house clothes and pyjamas clothes. When I wake up in the morning I will do my get-ready routine, and change into my house clothes.  

At the end of the day, I would change to pyjamas and get ready for bed. It helps me separate rest and work by just changing outfits. 

Tip #4: Create Themed Days at Home

Prior to the pandemic, after work or the weekends, I always had something to look forward to. Whether it was meeting up with a friend for a meal or playing sports, there was something fun to look forward to. 

With the pandemic and stay at home orders, we seem to be stuck between four walls. So I decided to create themed days - it gives me something to look forward to! 

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Here are some of my themed days: 

  • Every Friday - Take-Out Day  I would order some of my favourite foods from local restaurants to support their business! 

  • Every Saturday - I find a way to get active by going on long walks and maybe treat myself to a Starbucks or bubble tea 

What are some fun-themed days to add to my list? 

Tip #5: Reach out to your Family and Friends 

A big part of my life is meeting up with friends and family over meals. I spent months with only my family and found myself not really engaging or connecting with my friends outside of Instagram likes and sending memes to each other. 

Reach out to your family and friends with virtual dates, eating together, or even doing a workout together to catch up and check in with another. 

In my agenda, I also write down my church service time and small group gatherings to remind myself to not give up gathering together. I always find myself in a better mood and feeling refreshed after talking and listening to others. 

I hope some of the tricks and tips can help you feel more productive during this pandemic. Start small land find a median that works well for you!

The Importance of Community Outreach

By: Carmen Tan | Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

It’s been over a year since the pandemic has changed the way we live. It has changed the way we interact with people, how we work, and go to church. It has changed the way we minister and has caused us to adapt and be creative. God continues to remind us of what it means to have a relationship with someone, what it means to journey alongside a neighbour, and how to truly love. To love a neighbour sometimes can’t be done conventionally but requires effort and time. 

Ashley has been part of our programs since 2018. She enjoys gym time during KIC after-school program and reading time with her tutor at EPIC. In early October, Ashley’s father passed away unexpectedly. Rachelle and Carmen have continued to support the Smith family with the transition of their dear father/husband passing. It has been a couple of long months of trials and challenges. It’s sometimes unimaginable to think about what the Smith family has been through and continues to go through. With each passing problem, other challenges arise for the family. The light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away.

“Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.”

1 Chronicles 16:11

The Smiths were able to finally move all their furniture back to their apartment after a bed bug infestation. Carmen along with a friend of TCM was able to help them move furniture from the public storage unit to their apartment. The move was a symbolic day. It seemed like everything was starting to settle. The family finally felt like they were home again. 

Annette, being a newly single parent, has been challenged financially. They recently have struggled to pay bills and rent. Rachelle and Carmen felt heartbroken and burdened seeing how many challenges they were going through. The only thing they could do was to pray that God would provide for the Smiths.


God reminds us that He works in His perfect timing and often we do not know what will happen tomorrow. The same day Rachelle and Carmen prayed over the Smiths, Annette called to share with them some great news! The tax return they would receive would be a large sum to help them out for the next few months! They were overjoyed to see God’s divine providence. 

Annette and Ashley enjoy updating Rachelle and Carmen with phone calls throughout the week. Carmen had the opportunity to visit Ashley’s home and jump on a video call with Ashley’s teacher. Her teacher shared how encouraged she was to see community people like Carmen and Rachelle help the Smiths.

We thank God for all these opportunities to build a relationship with the Smiths. We hope God continues to remind us what love is and how to encourage our families to turn to Him.