
TCM Devotion: Seasons of Waiting

Verse: Romans 8:22-25
For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Waiting. *sigh. It can be such a drag. Most of our lives are spent waiting. Waiting to be old enough, waiting to graduate, waiting for the results, waiting for the bus ,waiting for a job, waiting for the next step in life – all this waiting can be so draining. This verse certainly does not fail to paint a portrait of the agony that waiting can bring upon us. As Christians, our angst is constantly remedied by familiar exhortations to “just be patient”. But, is patience just a matter of waiting? I believe that in verse 24 – 25 , God’s truth reveals that the real matter of patience is hope. Waiting without hope is idle and painful, but waiting with a greater hope in a God who has redeemed us from our own sin and adopted us as His own gives us the endurance to face any waiting situation- no matter how difficult it is.

How have you been challenged in your season of waiting? How has your view of patience changed over this season?

TCM Devotion: Worth the Wait

Verse: Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

It has been estimated that we spend about 2.5 years of our lives waiting. It’s a part of our lives and there isn’t much that we can do about it. We do however have control over what we choose to wait for and our attitude during those times of waiting.

We can show patience to others not because we have to but because we have the opportunity to encourage and build one another up through those times. When we are patience with one another, we are showing unity amongst the body of Christ. We let others know that we know that God is in control and in His timing we will see the fruits of our labour.

Waiting in line for the latest cell phone, taking the time to show your “technologically challenged” parents how to use e-mail, teaching a child with a learning disability, sharing the Gospel with your friend for the past 10 years. Which of these is worth waiting for with a loving heart?

TCM Devotion: Working For the Harvest

Verse: James 5:7-11

January is a month of resolutions. We begin the month with optimism, determined to accomplish our goals. We want to slim down, break a bad habit, improve a relationship, or move forward in our career. Many of the goals that we set fail, however, because we are not willing to patiently work through them. We want to see immediate results, but we can’t have a fit body after one workout.

In the same way, we cannot harvest a field until the crops are ready. God’s plan was not for us to see immediate results in this life. Just like a farmer waits for the harvest, we need to wait on Jesus. Jesus promised that he would one day return and take away all the evil and suffering in the world. He wants us to patiently wait for this day to come, but he also wants us to live like we believe it’s coming. A farmer doesn’t just sit at watch the fields until harvest; he ploughs the fields and sows the seeds. Then he patiently waits for God to send the rain.

If we truly believe that God is transforming the world, we would join him in that work. We would not “grumble against each other” as this passage suggests. Instead we would show others who Jesus is by forgiving them and loving them. We would not allow others to continue to be spiritual orphans. Instead we would invite them into God’s family. We would not allow poverty to continue to rob others of life. Instead we would work towards justice.

What are you waiting for God to change in the world? What can you do today to work towards that change while you wait?

TCM Devotion: Wait Without Idling

Verse: Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12


Patience is difficult, especially in a city that moves as fast as Toronto does. We charge closing TTC subway doors, when we know the next one is coming in just 3 minutes. We fire off an email, and wait for the response to come back immediately. We suffer years of physical pain, and sometimes it seems like there is no end to the pain. Patience in the Biblical sense doesn’t mean praying about something then idly waiting for an answer to come. We are asked to rejoice (not complain) in the hope that an answer will come, and remain faithful with prayer (not file it away under ‘already prayed about’).


Look back, what prayer did God answer? How long did it take? Look now, what are you praying for? How are you being patient?