Sonshine Day Camp Jane and Finch: TLC Interview

Our intern Rebecca Steinecke had the chance to hear from Lily, a TLC (Teens Leading Communities) who has helped out with the Jane and Finch Sonshine Day Camp this summer. (Lily and Rebecca pictured above)

Q. What brought you to camp?

A. I learned about Sonshine Day Camp from Kevin, the Director of Ephraim’s Place Community Centre, which is located in the same building as the camp. I wanted to work here because the Praise and Worship times, morning Devotions, and Small Group Bible classes helped me to learn more about God.

Q. How long have you been involved?

A. I have been working as a TLC (Teen Leading Community) for the past three summers.

Q. What has been the best part of Sonshine Day Camp?

A. I enjoyed the whole summer, but the best part was the Small Group Bible classes. I learned things about God in those classes that I never learned when I was young.

Q. What have you learned about God? / How have you seen God work?

A. From working here, I have learned that God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I have also learned that He will never stop loving us.

I have seen God working in me and changing me throughout this summer. I think more positively, I have learned how to talk to people in a better way, and I find myself praying more.