
Sonshine Daycamp Willowtree: TLC Interview

Eliot Kim, our Outreach Worker in Willowtree, had the chance to ask TLC (Teens Leading Communities) Elijah about his experience helping out at Sonshine daycamp:

Q. What brought you to camp?

A. I was looking for more experience with children.

Q. How long have you been involved?

A. I’ve been involved for three summers.

Q. What has been the best part of Sonshine daycamp?

A. For me, the best part of camp was building relationships with the campers and discovering their view on the world as they grow.

Q. What have you learned about God?

A. One thing I’ve learned about God is that if you be patient He has your back. Every time I faced a problem and I felt like my job was really being put to the test, I didn’t panic and things always turned out well. I’ve seen God work a lot of times this summer because the campers see each other every day and sometimes they get annoyed of one an other and start to have disagreements and get really angry. But just like the Lord forgives us every day, the campers always forgave each other and continued to enjoy themselves during their camping experience. The other time I saw God work, was when they weren’t disagreeing. The bonds between the campers were so strong and they always listen to everyone’s opinion and worked together so it was as if they were one big family.

Sonshine Daycamp Kingston-Galloway: TLC Reflection

By Enos Choy  (Outreach Worker at Kingston-Galloway)

Summer Reflections from Kingston-Galloway

Kaivon was one of our teen leaders at Kingston-Galloway during Sonshine Daycamp this summer. Below are some of his (paraphrased) thoughts:

Last year my younger sister joined Sonshine Daycamp. At the end of that summer, I heard there was a new Jr Extremeprogram so I joined with my friends. A few months later, the new TLC training program started so I also joined that too. When they announced they were hiring for a summer TLC position, I applied. And after sending in my resume and interviewing with the staff, I got the position as a summer TLC.

The Kingston-Galloway summer camp was an amazing experience. It taught me responsibility and how to work with younger and older kids other than my siblings at home. The kids aren’t bad, they just have little fights sometimes, which is normal, but they’re good kids.

Through the leaders, I can see the kids are learning who God is, and that God loves them. And the kids really enjoy the worship songs, they run around camp singing them all the time.

My favourite part about camp is swimming on Wednesdays. The waterside was really fun. I’m definitely coming back as a TLC next year!

Sonshine Day Camp St. James Town: TLC Interview

By Elita Fung (Outreach Worker at St. James Town)

Jim is my comic book movie buddy. We always see superhero movies together. He is also a TLC (Teens Leading Communities). For the second summer in a row, he has helped out with our Sonshine daycamp. This year, our TLCs had the chance to help out at sites other than St. James Town and act as “Mission Teams” one week at a time. Here is what Jim had to say about this year’s experience.

Q. What grade are you in?

A. I recently finished grade 9 and am going into grade 10.

Q. When and how did you get involved with Toronto City Mission?

A. When I was first introduced to TCM, I was in gr. 3 and I just moved from Mississauga to St. James Town. My mom signed me up for the afterschool program and I’ve been going since then.

Q. Which sites did you get to help out at as a result of being on the mission team?

A. I was able to go this whole summer [to Sonshine]. Fortunately I was able to visit the Jane and Finch and one day at Willowtree.

Q. What are your reflections from this experience?

A. This is the first time I’ve ever done a mission trip to a different Sonshine day camp [site] and it was really fun. I remember the first day, the kids and leaders came with open arms, they were so friendly and welcoming. It was a blast spending a whole week with these kids. I know they have so much potential and so much to offer. I only wish I could see them as they grow old. This experience really made me realize that I, personally needed to reach out to God. It’s really a blessing doing this, doing mission trips and just telling others about God. Personally, when I was a kid, I looked up to my leaders I really listen to what they have to say about God. Its really nice how I am able to actually do the same thing but to a group of kids I am only with for a week. Jane and Finch kids and leaders were great. I hope they just keep growing into their faith, and I hope I’ll be there next year again just to see how they’ve grown.

Q. Our staff Francis got you guys to share Bible nuggets this year. Every TLC on the mission team shares a verse and what it means to them. I heard you really enjoyed this Bible exercise.

A. I thought we should continue doing Bible nuggets. It expands our own personal knowledge of the Bible. For me, personally, I lose sight of reality. I feel as if I am having a talk with God, one on one. The Bible has really shown me God and I hope I continue on this path towards Him. I just want to thank the leaders for giving me the support I need.

Q. How can we pray for you?

A. I guess you can pray for support as I continue the path to God. I’ve been doing a lot of self searching and I’ve been getting a lot of support from the leaders.

Sonshine Day Camp Jane and Finch: TLC Interview

Our intern Rebecca Steinecke had the chance to hear from Lily, a TLC (Teens Leading Communities) who has helped out with the Jane and Finch Sonshine Day Camp this summer. (Lily and Rebecca pictured above)

Q. What brought you to camp?

A. I learned about Sonshine Day Camp from Kevin, the Director of Ephraim’s Place Community Centre, which is located in the same building as the camp. I wanted to work here because the Praise and Worship times, morning Devotions, and Small Group Bible classes helped me to learn more about God.

Q. How long have you been involved?

A. I have been working as a TLC (Teen Leading Community) for the past three summers.

Q. What has been the best part of Sonshine Day Camp?

A. I enjoyed the whole summer, but the best part was the Small Group Bible classes. I learned things about God in those classes that I never learned when I was young.

Q. What have you learned about God? / How have you seen God work?

A. From working here, I have learned that God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I have also learned that He will never stop loving us.

I have seen God working in me and changing me throughout this summer. I think more positively, I have learned how to talk to people in a better way, and I find myself praying more.