Executive Director Perspective: Thankful Heart and Exciting Opportunities Ahead

Greetings from Toronto City Mission!

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We have much to be thankful for. For the first time in over a year, we were blessed to be able to host in-person day camps in each of our three ministry communities this past summer. Although the camp days were shorter, and our camper capacity was smaller, how wonderful it was for our staff to witness campers enjoy activities like music, crafts, games, discussions, bible times, as well as lots of outdoor “running around” time. Moreover, it was also incredibly gratifying to see children reconnect with their friends and just blissfully relish being together!

We are also thankful for our Outreach Workers and summer interns for their outstanding work in less than ideal circumstances. Further, we give praise for new campers, our community partners, church partners who generously donated snacks and other camp needs, and of course to those who have continued to keep our ministry in their prayers this summer.


We also have much to look forward to as we conclude summer and approach the fall season. First and foremost, we are excited about the launch of our new Jesse Ketchum ministry community in downtown Toronto. We are grateful to our partner, Stone Church who have increased the width and depth of their engagement with us. Additionally, it is also our desire that as another school year begins, we can carry on the momentum gained from summer day camps and continue to host our after-school, tutoring, and youth programs in person. Please continue to keep our staff, communities, and participants in prayer as we attempt to build loving relationships to bring hope to children and families impacted by poverty through God’s love and power.

I hope to see many of you at our Annual General Meeting on November 17th

In His Service,

Elliott Shin