Joys and Difficulties of support rising

By: Racheal Mulongo | Intern

Raising support is a part of a lot of different Christian ministries. It’s one of those things that some of us want to go through with a “bear it and grin” mindset. Where we just cannot wait to get it over with. And that’s understandable, it’s a draining process at times but there are also great joys that come with the journey of support raising. A friend once told me, “support raising is like a beautiful beast”. Beautiful because it is a time that God works on your heart and prepares you for ministry but still a beast because the process is not easy. However, just because it’s not easy doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact, the times you learn and grow the most is through situations that aren’t always the easiest. 

Support raising gives you a chance to share your ministry with others and allows them to see how God is at work in places they might not have thought of. You also get the chance to hear from others how God is working in their lives. During the process of support raising, you get to invite others to join you as you step into what God is already doing. I think sometimes in the process of support raising the temptation is to think that you are carrying the weight of raising your funds on your own, but the truth is God is the one who is working in people’s hearts to give to your ministry. God cares far more deeply about the ministry you are stepping into. He cares so much more for people to come to know Him, for His people to experience restoration. No matter how passionate you are about the ministry you are stepping into, trust me God is far more passionate and zealous. 

Support raising is a growing process, a time where your dependence on God will grow because of how much your faith will be stretched. Your eyes are really opened to just how much God can do. It might be hard to see what God is doing or to understand how He is working during the process, but He is. In a similar way when the Jews were waiting for the coming Messiah, they did not expect Him to come as a humble baby, let alone a baby born in a stable.  The Jews were expecting a Savior to work in a particular way, to become a King and overthrow the Roman Empire, but He was working in a different way than they could not understand at the time. 

 There are some difficulties that come with the process of support raising. It can be scary and at times disappointing. There will be people you share with that might not understand your ministry or may not want to support you at that moment. It can be disappointing to follow up with someone for long hoping they would join your ministry only for them not to. 

At times you might not get a response from someone that you expected would get back to you and support you. What is interesting though is that sometimes the people you least expect are the ones God uses to support your ministry. 

Whether you’re someone thinking of support raising or you’re in the middle of the process and feel discouraged, you are not alone. Many have gone before you and God has provided. If God has called you, He will equip you and enable you to do his ministry at the end of the day. Maybe it won’t pan out exactly how you planned and expected, but God will surely make a way.