
Ordinary Grace

Olivia has been attending KIC and EPIC programs since she was in grade 1. She is now in grade 5, and she has a twin sister. When I first met Olivia I thought: 1. This is going to get really confusing and 2. Could she please stop messaging insults to her sister? 

I call her story Ordinary Grace because from the outside, nothing extraordinary is going on. She comes to programs and not much else happens. But I am so thankful for this ‘ordinary’ grace of knowing her. Olivia is very different from her sister - her sister likes to be on her own or spend time with her friends or siblings, but Olivia is always eager to join programs. She doesn’t show her face on Zoom very often, so she may seem shy, but she is always a friendly person to be around. She enjoys spending time with volunteers, whether she’s already familiar with them or not.

Her mother works a lot so she’s often left home alone with her older siblings. Her siblings are quite chaotic and so she doesn’t have much quiet and personal time to herself. More recently, we were able to set up a scholarship for math tutoring for Olivia. While she does okay in school, we thought this would benefit her, especially during this pandemic season a lot of students lack one-on-one attention. The assistance her personal tutor gives her can help identify her weaknesses and her strengths as well, and provide tailored guidance. I’m so impressed that even though she says she doesn’t like math, she was willing to sign up. However, tutoring has proven to be a challenge as she often becomes  distracted by her siblings to the point where she muted herself and only used the chat function. She has also missed the second session because she was doing chores instead. 

Another struggle has been for myself personally. Many of the kids are Zoom-fatigued and attendance has been lower than in the past. But because of the few kids we have, and especially because of Olivia, I still find joy and purpose in our mission at Willowtree. On the outside, it may seem like the outlook is negative in terms of numbers, but viewing the situation with the perspective that Christ gives us will give us reason to praise. God loves each and every one of these children so much that He sacrificed all He had for them. Therefore, we can continue to bring this love of God into the lives of kids like Olivia, despite adversity and doubt. At the end of the day, even to have just a single child choose to live their life for the King - it is worth it all.

God's Love

By: Nuri Lee | Outreach Worker in Flemingdon Park

Since March of last year, I have felt so dead. It was because of so many different reasons -- things I was aware of, but also many things I’m sure I’m still unaware of today -- that contributed to my becoming of a blob. My thoughts were, “God, just show me that You love me, because I am not feeling it at all,” and, “God, I don’t feel loved. Therefore, I shall not love.” Even though these weren’t the things I was explicitly saying, it was ultimately what I said through my actions. Nothing encouraged me and I dragged my feet to everything I had to do. I’m very dramatic. But because of my melodrama, my emotions are so much more intense when I ride through them that I decide to just shut them off and not feel anything instead. Isn’t it easier that way? ← I don’t know why I believe this lie every time. I don’t have an exact moment in mind when I was reminded that God’s love for us is a choice He daily makes. It’s an active decision He chooses because it’s just a fact and by His grace that I can be loved -- especially by Him. Even though I was still having that struggle of not feeling loved, this reminder of choice was truth enough for me to know that I am loved, even if I wasn’t constantly feeling it. It also made me remember that my love for God and others is also a choice I need to daily make. Why do I think pure love is a natural thing to flow from a sinner like me? 

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Right now, the kids in TCM’s KIC programs are going through 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. They’re understanding God’s love for them and how they can also show God’s love to others. They’re starting to grasp how to apply aspects of God’s love like patience, kindness, and humility in their everyday life. Just this past Valentine's Day, the kids were given the opportunity to participate in a video that you can check out down below!

I praise God for the reminder of his love through my times with the children, youth, and parents, and in my personal life. That He humbles me in such gentle ways every time. It is a choice to love and seek joy in all circumstances, and I pray that this is what you and I can continue striving towards daily.

Timothy (TLC) Testimony

As a TLC (Teens Leading Community) Timothy volunteers his time with Toronto City Mission (TCM) during the summer and throughout the school year. His younger brother and sister currently attend the same TCM after school programs that he did since he was 6 years old. It’s been 7 years since then and he has now been a TLC for the past two summers. While the TLC program gives Timothy the chance to gain community service hours for school, he ultimately enjoys the fun activities and trips he goes on with the kids. One of Timothy’s favorite Sonshine Day Camp memories as a TLC is “swimming with the kids at the local park”. 


For Timothy, he feels blessed to have many Christian friends who keep him accountable. He thanks God that his Christian life is something that comes naturally to him and that his faith doesn’t feel like a chore. Coming from a Christian family, he grew up going to church and learning about God. While volunteering with camp, Timothy is able to show God’s love to the kids through activities and being an example for them. Most of the activities and games that are done at camp help the kids learn about the bible. These activities help the kids learn about God but for Timothy, “it’s a constant reminder of God’s existence and to get connected with Him.” 

Many of the kids look up to Timothy as an older brother. He’s one of the first people that many of the kids go to when they want to play basketball or when they’re having a tough day. He doesn't have trouble sharing the Gospel with the kids and often finds himself in situations where he helps lead bible time. Through the various activities and Bible times, Timothy has realized that learning about God isn’t just for adults, but rather that “… kids can learn and be in tune with God as well.”

Blossom's Volunteer Testimony

On Mondays (prior to the pandemic), Blossom would be working downtown at a children’s hospital. She would be working with families in the neonatal intensive care unit to understand and learn how to best support entire families by providing the best quality of life for their sick child.  After a full day of work, she would head to southeast Scarborough-the community of Kingston-Galloway to be specific-to volunteer at Toronto City Mission’s (TCM) EPIC (Education Provided in Community) tutoring program.  There she would meet with her student Ashley and spend one hour helping her with her homework.

So how did Blossom end up where she is today? Back in 2009, she went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic where she worked with a homeless population that included children.  This experience led her to change her area of study from psychology and education of children to focusing on the medical and health needs of children.  Her shift in focus was solidified as she went on another mission trip in 2016 to Rawanda which exposed her to the lives of parents in sex work, living with AIDs, and families in dire situations where children were in desperate need of medical help.

Fast forward a couple of years, Blossom was looking for an opportunity to work with children specifically in the area of education.  Her father shared with her about TCM and their EPIC tutoring program.  The idea of one-on-one tutoring, and the opportunity to build a relationship with a child who is impacted by poverty really appealed to her.  After going through the volunteer application process, she started in January of this year and was matched with Ashley.  

Ashley is an energetic child who is always full of life and questions.  Due to certain exceptionalities Ashley often found it hard to focus. This caused her to fall behind in her academic learning.  Over time, that one hour of tutoring went from constantly asking Ashley to come back to the table, to her being excited to learn with different resources provided by TCM staff.  Ashley now has a stronger foundation in math and is learning to love reading.

During the time of COVID-19, Blossom’s time with Ashley moved from in person to online.  During that time Blossom and TCM Outreach Worker Carmen saw answered prayers as God helped Ashley become more focused and engaged in her homework.  Small improvements were noticed each time.  God also opened doors for Blossom to connect with Ashley’s mom Annette.  Not only was a positive relationship being formed between Blossom and Ashley, but also with Annette as well.

“I would encourage others to join in the work of Toronto City Mission.  It is a small time commitment but very rewarding, developing relationships and seeing the kids succeed.” - Blossom

Hayden's Story


Hayden appears on the zoom screen and softly greets us.  She doesn’t seem anxious, but she also isn’t one to seek attention. Hayden has been part of TCM since she was in Grade 4 and she is now getting ready to enter her first year of high school. She is nervous about the transition.  When asked why she gave a small smile, she shared that she envisions high school like the stereotypes that she has seen on TV and in the movies (i.e. Mean Girls). Despite this, she is looking forward to learning more about herself in this new season and grateful that she has two other friends that are going to the same school with her.

Hayden immigrated to Canada from Jamaica when she was 8 years old. She traveled with her parents, younger sister and baby brother.  All three of the children are a part of TCM programs. Hayden first learned about TCM when a TCM Outreach Worker went to her school to share about the after school programs that were being offered.  Since then, she has participated in the after school programs, day camp in the summers, and for the past two years she has been a TLC youth leader.  Hayden loves the welcoming atmosphere, the opportunity to grow and learn about God while having fun at the same time. This is why she loves being a TLC. It means a lot to her to be able to be kind, show compassion and exercise patience to the younger children the way the staff have modeled for her, as well as being able to teach them about God.  

Hayden is thankful that her parents still have their jobs during this time of pandemic but she is well aware that not all families are as fortunate. As a young person, she is not blinded to the realities of those living in her community. Many of her neighbours are single parents who may have been laid off and are going through hard times. She is also mindful of the gang violence that happens, more often than it should, just further down the street from where she lives. She continues to hope for safety for her family and the families in her neighbourhood.

During quarantine, Hayden missed going to TCM and seeing the faces of the children, other TLCs, and staff.  People that were like family to her. Since being part of TCM she has had the chance to visit different places in the city, have fun and make friends, learn how to make pizza and then teach it to the children, and the wonderful experience of growing in her knowledge about God. She is thankful that TCM continued to stay connected with the families during COVID-19 because it would have been very sad if they didn’t.

Many youth, like Hayden, are able to become leaders in their community through opportunities given by you. Support us in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race and help other youth become leaders in their own communities!