Mad Libs Challenge | Dorothy | #30DaysofSonshine

Dorothy is the Manager of Partner Relations at TCM. She first joined TCM as a volunteer in one of our Youth Extreme programs. Then God graciously opened the door for her to join the administrative team as staff. Her favourite thing to do in the summer is to go and visit the Sonshine Day Camps. There was so much joy when she saw the Outreach Workers, Summer Interns, TLCs and the children, praising God through song, having fun playing games, and excitement as they went on field trips. Dorothy loved it when she heard them say "This is the best day ever!" 

What always made her smile were the stories the kids would tell. Today we will try to capture these storytelling moments by creating our own mad lib story.  1) Write a short story.  2) Highlight the words that you would like replaced. 2) Find out what kind of words they are (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, etc.) 3) List them in order and send them to a friend to fill in 4) Fill in the story with the words your friend provided. 5) Have a good laugh as you read the "new" story together.  Enjoy!

A fun way to interact with friends and use those creative juices of yours is to create your own mad libs story. If you are not familiar with what mad libs are, it is simply removing words from a story and asking your friends to give you words to replace the ones you have removed without seeing the story. What you end up with is a funny and usually ridiculous story that can give you all a good laugh.

How to start:

  1. Write a story


2. Highlight certain words that you want to remove and be replaced with words that your friend(s) provide.


3. Identify what kinds of words you want to be replaced. Is it a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, etc.


4. List out the types of words that you want to fill in. Make sure you list them in the order that they appear in your story. Then send it to a friend to fill in.


5. Fill in your story with the words provided by your friend.

Carols madlib answers.jpg

6. Have a good laugh as you and your friend read the new story together.


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